Gospel of Mark
Mark 1
- Introduction – Mark: The Authentic Voice
- Introduction – 400 Years of Silence
- Mark 1: 1-3 The Story Begins
- Mark 1:4 John Appeared
- Mark 1:5-8 John the Baptist – The Influencer
- Mark 1: 9-11 Christ – Baptised
- Mark 1:12 Wilderness
- Mark 1:12-13 Temptation
- Mark 1:13 Animals and Angels
- Mark 1:14 After John was Arrested
- Mark 1: 14-15 The Time has Come
- Mark 1:15 Repentance
- Mark 1:16-20 Follow Me
- Mark 1: 21-22 Amazed at His Teaching
- Mark 1: 23 – 28 Amazed at His Power
- Mark 1: 29-31 The Man with the Power of God
- Mark 1: 35 – 39 Prayer, Passion and Preaching
- Mark 1: 40-45A Touching the Untouchable
- Mark 1: 45B Fame, Celebrity and the Son of Man
Mark 2
- Mark 2:1-2 Capernaum
- Mark 2: 3-12 (Part 1) Forgiven – even for Trashing the Roof!
- Mark 2:3-12 (Part 2) Decision Time!
- Mark 2:13-14 The Tax Collector
- Mark 2:15-18 Dinner with the Bad Boys
- Mark 2:18-20 Fast or Feast
- Mark2:21-22 Matchless Distinctiveness of the Gospel
- Mark 2:23-18 Lord of the Sabbath
Mark 3
- Mark 3:1-6 Healing on the Sabbath
- Mark 3: 7-12 Pursued by the Crowd
- Mark 3:13-19 Twelve Men who Changed the World
- Mark 3:13-19 (Part 2) Why Twelve?
- Mark 3:17 James and John – Boanerges
- Mark 3:20-21 and 31-35: ‘He must be mad!’
- Mark 3:22-27: Divided Kingdom
- Mark 3:28-29: The Unforgivable Sin
- Mark 3:20-31-35: ‘He must be mad!’
Mark 4
- Mark 4:1-2 ‘The perfect place to preach’
- Mark 4:2-9 ‘Parables – The Sower’
- Mark 4:10-12 ‘Parables’
- Mark 4:11-22 ‘Pointing out the Obvious?’
- Mark 4:21-29 ‘Three Proverbial Sayings’
- Mark 4:21-23 ‘Lamp on the Stand’
- Mark 4:24-25 ‘Consider Carefully What You Hear’
- Mark 4:26-29 ‘The Growing Seed’
- Mark 4:30-32 ‘Parable of the Mustard Seed’
- Mark 4:33-34 ‘Parables – Timeless Stories’
- Mark 4:35-41 ‘Calming the Storm’
Mark 5
- Mark 5:1-2: ‘After the Storm’
- Mark 5: 1-20: ‘My name is Legion’
- Mark 5:21: ‘How big was that crowd?’
- Mark 5:21-24: Jairus – Part 1
- Mark 5: 24-34: ‘Who touched my clothes?’
- Mark 5:35-43: Jairus – Part 2
Mark 6
- Mark 6:30-34 Come Away with Me
- Mark 6:35-44 Five loaves and two fishes
- Mark 6:45 – 46 Ambition, Temptation and the Presence of God
- Mark 6:47-52: Walking on Water
- Mark 6:53-56 Celebrity
Mark 7
- Mark 7:1-8 Laws, Traditions and Misunderstandings (1)
- Mark 7: 9-13: Laws, Traditions and Misunderstandings (2)
- Mark 7:9 Follow Closely
- Mark 7: 14-23: You are Not What You Eat
- Mark 7:24-30: Humility and Faith in Unexpected Places
- Mark 7: 31-37: Ephphatha (Healing of the deaf and mute man)
Mark 8
- Mark 8:1-13 Feeding the 4000
- Mark 8:11-13 Pharisees Demand a Sign:
- Mark 8:14-21: Yeast of the Pharisees and Herod
- Mark 8: 22-26: The Blind Man at Bethsaida
- Mark 8:27-30: Peter’s Confession of Christ
- Mark 8:31-33: Jesus Predicts His Death (First Time)
- Mark 8:34-37: The Way of the Cross
- Mark 8:38: When Jesus comes into His Father’s Glory
Mark 9
- Mark 9:1: Truly I Tell You
- Mark 9:2-12 Transfiguration
- Mark 9:14-18 Coming Down from the Mountain
- Mark 9:14-29: Only Believe
- Mark 9: 30-32 Jesus Predicts His Death (Second Time)
- Mark 9:33-36: Who is the Greatest?
- Mark 9:37-40 Whoever is not against us
- Mark 9:41 A Cup of Water
- Mark 9:42 The Stumbling Block