Horsham: 21st August 2024
In your relationship with Jesus, small steps can be life changing.
When we think about changes in our life which might bring us closer to Jesus, we tend to think big. Paul, after all, tells us to be ‘transformed’ (Romans 12:2), and that word suggests significant change. It is, says Paul, the transformation of your mind which enables you to understand God’s will for you. The problem is that giant steps are serious and daunting. We think of people giving up their job and making huge personal sacrifices. Of course it’s awesome when people do that. I have been inspired by so many people who have made giant steps of faith!
I’m reminded that transformation is a process. It takes time. Children don’t learn to walk by taking giant steps. I’m reminded of the Chinese proverb that says every journey starts with one step. The most important steps we take in our relationship with God are most often the small ones. There’s always another step you can take.
The smallest changes you make to your lifestyle or behaviour may pass unnoticed by others, yet still be profoundly significant for you.
Every step closer to Jesus is important.
Every step closer to Jesus is transformational.
The smallest step closer to Jesus is a step on the path of transformation.
Small steps can be life changing.
Sorry to contact you this way… cant finf other contact details. are you going to David’s Tent this year?